The interactive short film, A Murder Tale, was a collaborative project with two fellow class mates: Leni Peck and Coline Rosenkranz. We spent a great deal of time optimizing the concept, planning, organizing, and preparing for filming. We were able to finish all the scenes using one location all in one day. The things we wanted to accomplish were: 1) keeping the complete film silent, 2) keeping the film in black and white, 3) using only ourselves as actors (including one external actor, Christian Post), and 4) adding 1920 effects in the post production such as a vignette, wiggling, dust, and scratches. By combining a traditional story line with humorous elements, we were able to create interesting and cheerful characters.

The story revolves around a woman who is murdered. When detective Graham arrives to solve the case, five suspects are interrogated and considered to be connected to the murder. Throughout the movie, the viewer can interactively interfere with the plot. Each statement and piece of information can cause a different ending.


Camera: Sony HDR-CX520
Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Encore
Collaboration with: Leni Peck, Coline Rosenkranz
Actors: Lisa Martin, Leni Peck, Christian Post, Coline Rosenkranz

Watch the full trailer video.